Name: Lee Swords
Age: Physical age 44 (Mental age 14!)
Hometown: Sheffield
Occupation: Head Chef
Angling Questions
UK Specimen Fish of Note: Barbel to 14lb 1oz Chub to 6lb 12oz
Overseas Specimen Fish of Note: A highly venomous fish in India that scared the locals to death… I think it was a relative of the toadfish.
Venues fished: Too many to list.
Favourite venue: Trent.
Favourite Methods: Carbology.
Top fishing tip: “Feed them and they will come!”
Highlight of angling career: Making the DVD Barbel Days and Ways part 1 with Bob Roberts and then the Tidal Trent DVD with Chris Ponsford also being a guest on Country file, writing a monthly column in the Angling Star for 5 years and having numerous articles published in national magazines such as Coarse Angling Today.
Tell Us A Little About Your Angling Life: I started young on a land drain in Lincolnshire and it will hopefully end very late somewhere like Thailand.
Future Aims & Goals in angling: Have a lot of fun, make a lot of friends, have an article published in a European magazine and catch a few bigger than average fish along the way.
What is The Main Food You Eat When You Are on the Bank: As little as possible I am paranoid about food poisoning… seriously! As little as possible… which can be a disappointment to those that fish with me!
And finally, 3 words to describe The Hook Bait Company: HIGH QUALITY GEAR!
Non-Angling Questions
Apart From Fishing What Are Your Other Favourite Sports Or Pastimes: Writing, War Games, and sending abusive e-mails to high profile politicians.
Which Team Do You Support: Sheffield Wednesday.
Favourite Genre of Music: 60’s-80’s
Your 5 Favourite Bands: James Brown, Duran Duran, Simple Minds, Man2Man meets Man Parish and Frankie Goes to Hollywood
Do You Have Any Pets: A dog that is stupid and some fish that are geriatric.
Favourite Food & Drink: Big meats roasted rare on the bone and fine malt ales.